Water, though has no taste, no colour, no odour, cannot be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. Though fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses - Antoine De Saint-Exupery The therapeutic use of water has been recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. This practice has been cited in the ancient medicinal Ayurveda practice of India. There are records in England that societies have been formed in the 18th century to promote the dietic and medicinal use of water. In the modern world it is widely practised in Japan, India and China. The use of water to cure diseases is generally called as water therapy or hydrotherapy . It is an undeniable fact that water is essential for life and it helps to remove toxins from our body and by consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method or as a therapy purifies the human body. In our body mucousal folds are pres...
Nuts - power pack of some important nutrients, protein, Mono Saturated Fats, fiber, antioxidants, phosphorus, selenium etc. A bite sized, convenient, power snack-Natures perfect gift!
The nuts have many unique and healthy benefits. Vitamin E which is abundantly found in several nuts is a powerful antioxidant that can protect one from the damaging effects of free radicals. They can prevent chronic heart diseases and excessive weight gain in spite of being rich in fat. The secret lies in the fact that besides being rich in fats, they contain a large amount of protein and fiber. Both protein and fiber require more time to get digested than fat and carbohydrates and so eating a few nuts can work well to keep hunger at bay, partly because of their high protein and fat content and help to reduce excessive weight gain.
Many scientific studies have pointed out that these mono saturated fatty acids can provide protection against coronary heart diseases. Nuts are also recommended as part of the DASH ( Dietary approaches to stop hypertension) a dietary plan clinically proven to reduce blood pressure. The DASH diet is supported by national Heart, Lung and Blood institute and recommends 4 to 5 servings per week from its " Nuts, Seeds and Legumes" grouping.
Lets take a brief look at a few of our favorite nuts and all the healthy benefits they have to offer!!!
ALMONDS - A one ounce serving, approximately two table spoons is about 20 nuts loaded with 6.gms of protein, 160 calories, and 9.gms of mono saturated fats, magnesium and vitamin E. Helps to prevent coronary heart disease and cancer.strengthens bones and makes your skin glow.
BRAZIL NUTS - A one ounce serving is about 8 nuts packed with 4.gms of protein, 190 calories, 7.gms of mono saturated fats. Filled with Selenium, an antioxidant and phosphorus which strengthens bones, teeth and assists with energy metabolism.
CASHEWS - A one ounce serving is about18 nuts gives you 4.gms of protein, 160 calories and 8.gms of mono saturated fats. It is rich in Selenium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron.Selenium can ensure proper functionality of immune system.
HAZEL NUTS - A one ounce serving is about 20 nuts and comes with 2.gms of protein, 200 calories and 17.gms of mono saturated fats. Helps to lower bad cholesterol in your body.
PEANUTS - Are not not actually a nut, but a legume, though often thought as a nut. A one ounce serving is approximately 28 nuts and packed with 7.gms of protein, 170 calories, 7.gms of mono saturated fats.It is a good source of vitamin B3 promoting healthy skin.
PISTACHIOS - A one ounce serving is about 45 nuts packed with 6.gms of protein, 160 calories and 7.gms of mono saturated fats.It is full of phosphorus, which protects from the oxidation of the free radicals.
WALNUTS - A one ounce serving is approximately about 14 halves, consists of 4.gms of protein, 190 calories and 2.5.gms of mono saturated fats. It is rich in Omega 3's which helps to reduce body fat and high cholesterol.

CHESTNUTS - Chest nuts are another popular class of nuts that contain a lot of vitamins including vitamin A, B1, B2 and C, which is essential for red blood cells, normal growth and development as well as reproduction.
PECAN NUTS - A study showed their naturally occurring antioxidants help reduce inflammation in the arteries.Eating pecan nuts can lower the risk of developing heart disease or cancer, say researchers
PINE NUTS - Pine nuts are high in antioxidants, which protect the body from free radical damage. They also serve as a natural appetite suppressant, because they contain polyunsaturated fat known as pinolenic acid. This stimulates the secretion of hormones that signal to the brain that the body is full so that it craves less food and is left feeling satisfied for a longer period of time.
Keep in mind that all these wonderful choices from nature needs to be consumed in moderation, one ounce of your choice daily. Some few ideas of how to get the best out of it. Nut butter make great spreads on crackers, bagels, pancakes. Chopped nuts make a great crunchy topping for fresh salads or in your morning cereals. Fish or chicken can be coated with crushed nuts instead of breading for added flavour. It is a great supplement of protein and mono saturated fats for vegetarians. So harvest the benefits of nuts by serving by adding it to your diet. it is worth calling it as natures perfect, wonderful, bite sized power packed gift!!!
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