Water, though has no taste, no colour, no odour, cannot be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. Though fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses - Antoine De Saint-Exupery The therapeutic use of water has been recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. This practice has been cited in the ancient medicinal Ayurveda practice of India. There are records in England that societies have been formed in the 18th century to promote the dietic and medicinal use of water. In the modern world it is widely practised in Japan, India and China. The use of water to cure diseases is generally called as water therapy or hydrotherapy . It is an undeniable fact that water is essential for life and it helps to remove toxins from our body and by consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method or as a therapy purifies the human body. In our body mucousal folds are pres...
"Nothing will benefit human health and increases chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" - Albert Eienstein -
By definition, Vegetarianism prohibits the consumption of Meat or Fish, but some diets are more restrictive than others.
There are different types of Vegetarians:
- Demi or Semi Vegetarians eat Fish, and sometimes Chicken, but not red Meat.
- Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarians include Milk and Eggs in their diet but no Meat or Fish.
- Lacto Vegetarians have Milk and Yogurt, as well as Cheese made with Vegetarian rennet, but no Meat, Fish or Eggs.
- Vegans do not eat any animal products at all, banning Meat, Fish, Milk, and Eggs from their diets.
- Fruitarians exclude Pulses and Cereals from the diet as well as all food of animal origin. Fruitarians eat only Fruit, Honey, Nuts and Nut oils.
- Macrobiotic followers have a diet consisting of ten different levels, which become progressively more restrictive. At first, animal foods are excluded, then Fruit and Vegetables as well. At the final 'purist' level only brown rice is eaten.
In the United Kingdom, about 2.5 million people call themselves vegetarians. In the United States, the number of people making this claim is about 12.4 million and in Germany about 2.9 million people say they do not eat meat. On the whole vegetarians tend to follow current healthy eating guidelines.
The types of food eaten by vegetarians can be organised and grouped into five groups like the
"Food Pyramid". For a well balanced diet choose foods from the different groups in the daily proportions recommended here. This eating plan may be adapted for Vegans , who should select greater quantities of food from the protein (peas, beans) and carbohydrate (bread, pasta etc.,) groups.
Vegetables are a rich source of the Antioxidants that may help to prevent cancer. The High Fibre intake among vegetarians is considered to be another factor in lowering their risk of colon cancer. Eating a vegetarian diet may help to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, according to Dr Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh of the Institute of Immunology and Rheumatology at the National Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Citing these studies and many others, researchers now believe that vegetarianism may promote longevity. But their diet may not be the only reason why vegetarians are healthier than Meat eaters. Vegetarians tend also to live 'healthier' lives - Smoking and drinking alcohol less and exercising more.
With all these health benefits, it is little wonder that Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular.But to be a healthy vegetarian, you need a balanced diet. It is not enough just to stop eating animal flesh and consume a few high-protein foods, such as Cheese, instead. With a little planning , you can make nourishing meals using a variety of fresh foods. An inexpensive alternative to meat, textured vegetable protein (TVP) is made from soya beans. After soaking TVP can be cooked in a variety of ways- try combining it with nuts and pulses in casseroles and roasts or use it to make vegetarian burgers.
Some people believe that a vegetarian diet does not offer an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals. But by eating a variety of foods vegetarians should get all the nutrients they need. However it is recommended very safe to consult your doctor or your Nutritionists before you make any decisions. A Nutritionist will discuss any nutritional worries or problems that affect your everyday eating habits. He or she will assess your current eating pattern and check for any deficiency or imbalance and will then be able to advise you on how to improve your diet or to follow a different way of living healthily.
This article is for information purpose only, not intend to condemn any form of eating patterns. Before practice anything professional consultation is advised.
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