Water, though has no taste, no colour, no odour, cannot be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself. Though fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses - Antoine De Saint-Exupery The therapeutic use of water has been recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. This practice has been cited in the ancient medicinal Ayurveda practice of India. There are records in England that societies have been formed in the 18th century to promote the dietic and medicinal use of water. In the modern world it is widely practised in Japan, India and China. The use of water to cure diseases is generally called as water therapy or hydrotherapy . It is an undeniable fact that water is essential for life and it helps to remove toxins from our body and by consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method or as a therapy purifies the human body. In our body mucousal folds are pres...
After all as human beings we need food to sustain our lives. It provides us with the required nourishment that is vital to our health and longevity. The Western culture has become increasingly fixated on leanness. The dirty secret of the beauty and the entertainment industries is that many models and actresses go to dangerous extremes to achieve size zero as advocated by today’s demanding fashion industry. Today’s magazines, TV shows, Celebrate actresses and models fear food because of the society’s pressure to maintain an unrealistic body shape. The truth is that the society seems to reward the very thin.
Identity issues and self-esteem problems are common among today’s younger generation. Comparing yourself with those figures can be the first domino to fall in the development of Cibophobia, which can trigger various health problems, Psychological issues and emotional upheaval.
FEAR OF FOOD – CIBOPHOBIA is a complicated phobia, which can spiral into an obsession. It is very common around these days and people with this problem sometimes mistakenly thought to suffer from Anorexia, a dangerous eating disorder. The difference between cibophobia and anorexia is that the sufferer of the former fears the effect of food on their body image and the sufferer of the later actually fears the food itself.
There are many reasons for this Cibophobia, some of them are food allergy like nuts, dairy products, wheat, seafood etc., but the big trigger for the fear of food is related to Weight. Someone who fear obesity or simply being a little overweight may possibly become phobic about food and could suffer from body dimorphic disorder, which is when a person is excessively concerned about their appearance because they imagine there is a deficit of some kind, like not enough muscles, too thin, too overweight etc.
It is quite hard to recognize the many signs of Cibophobia in today’s health obsessed world. Many people with Cibophobia is extremely concerned with expiration dates. The social stigma of Cibophobia can be devastating as well. Humans are extremely conscious of unusual behaviors, making it difficult to hide any increasing eating patterns. You may feel uncomfortable in social situations such as holiday gatherings, where it could be rude not to accept food. Being surrounded by the object of your phobia might cause you to cry, shake or experience a wide range of physical symptoms. Untreated Cibophobia often worsens causing increasingly obsessive behaviors. Overtime you might severely restrict your diet jeopardizing your health. You may choose to go hungry rather than eating, which might lead to weakness, dizziness and irritability.
It is very important to seek treatment from a qualified mental health professional. The most common and effective treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy, in which you will learn to change both your beliefs and your behaviors regarding food’s other forms of treatments are Hypnosis and several forms of talk therapy which can help to create positive relationship with food and help to overcome the fear of food.
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